The Tangent 'Verses Movie Podcast
Come with us and take a trip to Our Universe, The Tangent 'Verses, where we talk about yours and our favorite movies, characters, actors, directors, and maybe some you haven't heard of, and compare and contrast them. The good, bad, and ugly; the should've, could've, and would've. Drinks, Tangents, laughs, and maybe some things you don't know, regardless, we have something to entertain you. Come join Kelvin (the Watcher) and The Chris (the Toucher) as we take trips down the rabbit hole through fantasy and sci-fi movies and t.v. (and sometimes other types) and see how they compare against each other, or just how we personally feel about them lol, we hope to see you in The Tangent 'Verses!
The Tangent 'Verses Movie Podcast
25: Interspecies Relations - District 9 VERSES Avatar
Kelvin,The Chris
Season 1
Episode 25
We are back! Doing what we do best, MOVIE TALK! Comparing and critiquing 2 very different movies with similar themes. The treatment of other species and what humanity could potentially do if we went to another planet that wasn't ours and treated it like it was, with Avatar, and how we might treat another species if they came to us and needed help, with District 9. Deeper meanings can be felt in these movies if you look beneath surface and compare it to what is currently going on in our world today with protests. Get some popcorn and sit back and have fun with us while we discuss the good, bad, and ugly about these movies.